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tv   KTVU Morning News Early Edition  FOX  August 4, 2011 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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thank you for waking up with us, it is thursday august 4th, i am pam cook. let's check weather and traffic, here is steve. >> welcome back pamela. you are sounding much better. we have clouds fog and drizzle, mist, rain, if you want to call it rain it is fine with me i understand. i always get tweets. it is raining here, that is fine i get you. 50s, 60s and 70s and very low 80s, here is sal. >> traffic looks good if you are driving for the commute. 101 in san mateo, we had an accident just before 3:00 this morning, one car burst into flames and the freeway was briefly shut down in that direction southbound 101. the cars were towed away, and the people injured were taken away. southbound 101 is now open in that area. also this morning we are looking at the westbound bridge
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and that traffic looks good coming up to the toll plaza, let's go back to the desk. we are starting with news coming from the oakland hills, firefighters are still at the scene of a house fire. paul chambers talked with the homeowners, and it sounds like they woke up just in time. >> good morning dave. >> reporter: the call came out and as you can see they are still out here in this early morning fire in oakland hills. it was earlier considered a two- alarm fire. it was a family of three who were inside the home when the family broke out in their home in the one car garage which was converted to a living space. she heard crackelling and saw an orange glow. she woke up and got her family out of the house and that's when they saw the garage on fire. >> my brother lives inside the
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garage and he was here with his girlfriend tonight they ate dinner with us and i don't know if my brother is in there. >> it does not appear he is here. we are not through completely e.tying -- emptying that structure but it appears he is not here. >> reporter: first it was a two alarm and they got it in containment within 30 minutes. so far they still have not found the brother but there is good news, they were able to pull out the bed frame and we are bringing you the very latest live in oakland ktvu channel 2 news. >> overnight a s.w.a.t. team reports to a hostage situation in sunny dale neighborhood but no hostages were found. police received a call shortly after 9:00 and they told them
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an unknown person contacted him and said his relatives were being held whose tonight in their home. police were unable to reach them and they brought in a s.w.a.t. team and crisis negotiators. at midnight the police got holds of the family and police searched the home and found no suspects, the incident is under investigation. today they plan to interview the survivor of a deadly boating accident on the san francisco bay. we spoke with the coast guard about the frantic search and rescue with the father and son whose boat collided with a yacht. >> reporter: one of two agencies investigating what happened yesterday on the waters of the san francisco bay but the coast guard is calling this an accident and it does not make it any easier for family members. >> i don't know what i am going to do later on, he is not here.
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>> reporter: family members of the man who died received the news at san francisco general hospital. earlier in the day, 30-year-old father and his son collide with a boat almost a mile off is sierra point. coast guard said the elder man was able to cling to the belly of the boat but his son was trapped underneath the boat. they freed them and transported them both to the hospital but this morning the coast guard said there was a delay in transporting the two men. he speaks little english an originally they believed he said there were more people trapped so they waited to transport both of the men. there is no information that the delay contributed to the death of the 30-year-old man. coast guard will try to talk to his father as well as the
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people on the boat. ktvu channel 2 news. president barack obama busy again on the campaign trail now that the debt ceiling deal is done. [ music... happy birthday to you. .. ] >> last night he appeared at two fundraisers in chicago and today by the way is his 50th birthday live in the newsroom with a message to his home town crowd. a message to congress to put off vacations and restore the federal aviation. in just a few minutes, they will hold a press conference call about the partial shut down of the faa. more than 2000 workers have been furloughed and almost
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4,000 furloughed nationwide and several on airport construction jobs are not getting paychecks and that includes building a new air traffic control tower in oakland. government is losing $30 million each day all because of the faa shut down. it is a huge cash wind fall for the airlines and it is included united delta american and jet blue who raised their fares to keep the ticket prices the same without taxes and they are just putting the difference in their pockets. international airport is to meet federal safety standards to reduce damage to planes that over shoot the runway. reportedly construction will start next year and be completed by 2015.
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flights are not to be affected. they will hold a town hall meeting to discuss the surge in violence. there have been six killings compared to four last year. stray gun shootings killed a 3 month old baby. tonight's town hall meeting begins at 6:00 p.m. at city hall. red wood city has a shakes can i situation -- shaky situation. nine schools will have major damage in a big earthquake. the school recently completed a major retrofitting project but it did not meet the state's safe quake standards but there is no work to be done because of the california's budget crisis. they will soon have a downtown presence and school officials announce they are buying the folder coffee
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building on howard street. they are still working things out but it will provide easier access to organizations that the school works with and they are hoping it leads to some new partnerships. back over to sal to take a look at traffic, hey, sal? traffic is doing well in many areas and as a matter of fact we are doing well on 80 but the roads are damp because of midst and drizzle just make yourself -- give yourself extra time heading out to the mcarthur maze. it is nice and light on the bridge toll plaza and no problems on the bridge itself. at 5:08 let's go to steve. well for march, it is not bad out there -- wait, it is august.
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go it is cold out there , well it's cold out there, there will be sun inland and temperatures will struggle to get passed lower 80s and in some locations 10 degrees warmer. i would think it will match its -- fog will max itself out but for today that summer wind is blowing in. big time, dave from across the sea no kidding and it is up to 0 miles per hour especially out to the delta so 50s and 60s even mountain view has checked in at 59. santa rosa 56, the city 56 and that's the direction the wind is coming from so southwest or west, when napa gets a wind it is a cool direction but the key is, it is gusting to 30 and
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that's heavy duty on the hair spray in that direction. it is spinning right off eureka and it is near the california border so that is impressive. it will be sunny once the fog burns off but for some it may take awhile. fog sun cooler but that overcast is not going anywhere, any time soon. antioch 84 along with stacy who tweeted me and said what is going on with the winds this summer. it is going to be very windy out in discovery bay. that is the pattern and we may warmup early into next week. >> take up wind surfing. creating 100,000 new jobs, a plan has just been announced, what kind of jobs and where they will come from.
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a teenage girl, a crime you would expect to see in a movie. good morning, at the mcarthur no major problems and i will tell you more about the morning commute straight ahead.
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. welcome back to the morning news, overnight in australia a hollywood movie played out in real life. a masked man broke into a
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family's home and strapped a bomb to an 18-year-old girl. he attached a note of demands and left. authorities called in bomb technicians and they spent ten hours removing the device which was tethered to her neck. they later determined it was a fake. >> she is tired for holding the device in place for ten hours but she is now as well as we are for her to get on with her life. >> investigators described the bomb as elaborate. they are treating the case as an eggs touring attempt -- extortion attempt. the girl's class mates are receiving counseling today. reporting from the washington d.c. newsroom, president raked in a lot of money at a fundraiser in chicago. >> reporter: it was his first big trip out of washington in about a month and started with
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a sir that i had from -- started with music from jennifer hudson. >> happy birthday to you... >> reporter: back in his home city of chicago, the president tried to refocus on his campaign and he took a stab at congress after weeks trapped with those high steak debt limit negotiations. >> you don't have time to play partisan games. we have too much work to do. >> reporter: 2400 supporters paid a lot of money to get into the birthday bash. they capped the evening with 100 donors who paid more than $35,000 each. president barack obama has a lot of catching up to do on the campaign trail and one question is how frustrated are his fellow democrats with how he he is handling those big spending cuts. reporting live in washington ktvu channel 2 news.
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new reports from syria, tanks are rolling through city streets firing on antigovernment protesters. take a look at some new video, this was posted in the city. despite a lot of international condemnation, the syrian government continues the crackdown on protesters. more than 2000 people have been killed since the up riding started in -- uprising started in march. they are creating 100,000 new jobs and mainly will be jobs in call centers. they were outsourced to india and will be brought back to the u.s. due to broad band advancements. they hope the jobs will be created over the next two years. time now, this could be the last year for a third of all the county and district fares around california. it will not hurt big fares
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including the alameda county fair which is almost self supporting but no more state funding could mean any of them could be canceled and even the big fares might feel the affects since carnival rides and vendors depend on healthy fair circuit to stay in business. this is the first renaissance fair and highlights are expected to be the knights facing off in contests of skill. they will have lancing rings and slicing cabbages riding full speed on horse back the renaissance fair will be held in guadeloupe park at the h p pavilion. legs check in with sal for traffic. >> is -- let's check in with sal for traffic. >> is that you pam? >> you sound british.
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i am giving you grieve. traffic is moving along nicely on interstate 80 and southbound as you head to highway 92, there are no major problems so far at the bay bridge approach and the construction work has been cleared under which is nice on both desk. this morning on antioch freeway, bay park concord, you name a city in this area and freeway traffic is still looking good even on steve's favorite road. well that traffic -- traffic is moving well, hello steve. well the right lane is always closed. thank you. good morning we have a big fog bank and touchdown of low clouds and drizzle and light rain. i
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always get tweet. technically it is drizzle. some low clouds are getting help into the pacific northwest actually in northern california. 50s on temperatures, in san jose, everything is out of the southwest, concord south at 16 gusting at 25 and even napa airport southwest, and everything is in place because of that little guy right there, a spin in the atmosphere and it squeezes out some of the moisture so we get the drizzle. so it is cool, it gives way to a 5 to 10-degree difference inland areas and i don't think they will cool down much more. it could be a rather gray day. heavy drizzle windy at the times and that overcast is not going anywhere any time soon.
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san jose concord, only 80s for antioch and even the lake. we have maybe even some upper 80s instead of mid-90s. let's check the rebound attempts on those temperatures sunday and monday. european markets have traded in a narrow range this morning and most benchmarks were down. the nike closed up slightly after the japan bank took steps to weaken the yen gets the u.s. dollar. they worry the yen's strength could hurt their ability to export merchandise. some gains yesterday, dow jones industrial average up 11896. we have earnings coming in that could certainly affect things this morning. gm's profit nearly doubled on
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stronger global sales but right now futures are indicating a lower opening. sony's game console will not be in time for christmas, this morning they announced the play station will be available end of the year but will be phased into stores across the world earlier next year. remember the gray whale, well biologists say it is still in good health. they say she appears to be in good shape. they are worried they might not be eating enough. this 45-foot whale and her calf were first spotted in the river in june and the calf swam back out to sea more than a week ago. a list of the nation's best colleges has been released and we will talk about how the bay area's most prestigious
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universities are doing. and in santa cruz last march, why many programs will have to handle the cost. traffic is moving a long nicely heading out to the mcarthur maze, we will tell you more coming up. [ man ] i got this new citi thankyou card
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and started earning loads of points. you got a weather balloon with points? yes i did. [ man ] points i could use for just about anything. ♪ ♪ there it is. [ man ] so i used mine to get a whole new perspective. ♪ [ male announcer ] the new citi thankyou premier card gives you more ways to earn points. what's your story? citi can help you write it.
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is there a prize in there? oh, there's a prize, all right. is it a robot? no. is it a jet plane? nope. is it a dinosaur? [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] inside every box of heart healthy cheerios are those great tasting little o's made from carefully selected oats that can help lower cholesterol. stickers? uh-uh. a superhero? ♪ kinda. [ male announcer ] and we think that's the best prize of all. ♪
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. starting in march it puts the city in a deep hole. the floods cost the city an estimated $1.3 million. now the insurance claim has been rejected. the insurer says damage was caused from flooding and not by a drainpipe failure as the city insists. last month the city council handed out $275 million in grants contingent on reimbursement to domestic violence abuse victims. they are recalling 36 million pounds of ground turkey connected to a salmonella outbreak. some bay area supermarkets like that one right there posted about the recall, somebody in sacramento county died after
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eating the tainted meat. more than 70 people were sickened across the country including one person in san francisco. the symptoms can show up after 72 hours of eating this contaminated product. >> usually vomiting diarrhea and can be quite severe with the very young and very old and those with immune deficiency problems. >> the meat will be safe if it is handled properly before cooking and we posted all the details on our channel 2 website just look for the recall tab on the front page. stamford university gets an "a" plus. they came in as number five on top forbes list and number one
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massachusetts followed by princeton west point and they are based on great career prospects, graduation rates and low levels of debts incurred by students. an unusual mugging, a very unusual item the robber stole. they know where they are staying, home sweet home has live room service. good morning traffic on the san mateo bridge is moving along nicely but you may feel windy conditions this morning, we will tell you what is going on.
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well,good morning. welcome back, this is ktvu channel 2 news and it is thursday august 4th, i am dave clark. >> good morning, i am pam cook, it's now 5:30 and a little drizzling, some say rain, guess. >> we do have a bigger fog bank, some local midst, it is out there and that means temperatures inland will be coming down. upper 70s around the bay, a lot of 50s and 60s. >> a lot of traffic on the golden gate bridge with no major problems. this morning's commute looks good but as steve just said, it
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is a little wet. now at 5:30 let's go back to the desk. the flames started in the garage. paul chambers just talked to the homeowners about what they saw through the window, paul? >> reporter: the call came out just after 3:00 this morning and there are crews out here as you can see. now, we can't show you the home because it is tucked away on a deadend street. it was a former garage that was converted to a home and she woke up and saw an orange glow. >> 911, get the kids out of the house and my brother lives in that garage. >> reporter: the homeowner said the family had dinner with his girlfriend earlier in the night and that's when she last saw them. she hopes they are not inside the area that was on fire.
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>> it does not appear he is here. we are not completely through that area and structure but it appears he is not here. >> reporter: the family is still hopeful the brother is still okay because crews brought out the bed frame than was only a small amount of damage done to the main house. of course we will bring you the very latest as it develops. live in oakland ktvu channel 2 news. right now police in antioch are looking for suspects in an early morning shooting and it happened 4:30 this morning on eye street. we received video of the crime a short time ago. a young woman was wounded outside a home and began banging on neighbor's doors pleading for help. no word on her condition at this time. they were bumped from their dorm rooms but now san jose
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students finally have a place to live for the fall semester. here is the latest development on the student housing. >> reporter: schools start in three weeks and only do upper class men know where they are staying and home sweet home is two and a half miles from campus. some parents are furious because they feel there should be enough space to accommodate all students especially if they reserved dorms. 4,000 fresh men enrolled in the fall and that's more than enough for them to deal with. all fresh men are required to live on campus showing new students do better close to school. they will move to campus and see what students think about the new living arrangements here at the hotel.
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time now 533, a 21-year-old employee summer camp is suspected of having sex with a 14-year-old boy. investigators say that is where she met the young boy. police were notified by the young boy's parents after they found a suspicious text message on the boy's phone. vacaville police are asking anybody about inappropriate behavior with this young lady to contact detectives. this week state lawmakers are looking into how the system failed in the due guard case. specifically they want to know how convicted kidnapper phillip was able to hold the little girl for 18 years write up the nose of parole officers. they are demanding better training and better
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communication between law enforcement areas. he has admitted to three other kidnappings and no information is released about those kidnappings at this time. despite that he admitted to the kidnapping and the nine-year- old was abducted outside of a market in 1988. a look at the new opposed stadium, the plan is a billion dollar sports facility and it could end up being the home of the 9ers and the raiders, we will have much more coming up on that story at 5:45. >> new tee signs for a cell phone tower are up for critics this morning. they are smaller and less powerful than the usual ones so
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80 of them will be needed across the city. some citizens complain they don't look good and they are noisy. at&t said they need more towers to provide power to all of palo alto. there are one of several burglaries in palo alto. the teens are suspected of breaking into the school two weeks ago and stealing two mac books. both laptops have been recovered. three other schools were burglarized in recent weeks and those cases are still under investigation. a texas man in the bay area is going home without some of his cash and hair. the victim was walking at about 10 clock -- 10:00 monday night. one of the assailants took out
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a pocket knife and took off a chunk of the victim's hair. they are described as being in their 30s and wearing dark clothing. >> you will take us to the bridge, right sal? >> i like when you say that. can we take it to the bridge? let's go out now. because the bridge it -- you know we are joking but we watch it and there is a problem on the bridge because as you know it can affect it and as you know the gold den gate -- golden gate bridge looks good. we have not had a problem and we hope it stays that way. the midst and the drizzle will be a little bit of a problem. westbound traffic looks good but i do want to remember, i don't have a picture of it right now but there are gusty winds reported on the bay bridge so if you drive there
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give yourself a little bit -- if you are driving and it is windy and you are not paying attention you could be blown into the next lane and that's a problem for obvious reasons. present hill, walnut creek traffic is moving well sound bound 80 traffic looks pretty good. let's go to steve. sal? >> that was nice yesterday. >> finally. low clouds, fog wind has cranked up, a lot of drizzle, i always get a tweet, it is raining here. technically it is drizzle but you can call it rain. low clouds have ramped up dropping down from the pacific northwest which is visiting cent city and eureka. it will be cooler and breezy. lou clouds and sun and winds, usually when you get this much
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of a fog it will still be cool for a few days. out of the southwest it pushes everything east and if you are in the sierra valley you will see them off in the distance. everyone else is in the 50s upper 50s mid-50s. southwest vacaville that is incredible not that far away usually vacaville does not get that kind of a winds but because of that low, it is spinning and it's lifting that fog up and giving us midst, fog low clouds and sun, that overcast will be very slow burning back to the coast, 50s and 60s then inland upper 70s very low out to the sacramento valley. it does look like a degrees in
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-- decrease in some of that fog and it is a little warmer. tropical storm emily is 100 miles away from haiti but it is drenching some of haiti's tent cities where survivors are living. it will miss port au prince. they are warning the 600,000 people in these camps to prepare for heavy rains. >> the life in this camp is not doesn't, it's not right, we have nothing so how do they expect us to prepare for a storm. >> the biggest danger is mudslides and the chance that cholera will tip to spread. steaks are sky-high. also a former secretary accused
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of torture, it involved rumsfeld. and if you are planning to drive into and out of san francisco could
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drum. goods morning, a little overcast, a lot of drizzle, it will be cooler windy around the bay up towards the delta, upper 70s and 50s and 60s closer to the coast. here is a quick look at some of the top stories we are following. just hours ago a fire broke out early in the oakland hills. it was a two-alarm fire started in the garage. fire crews fought for about a
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half hour to put out that fire. they are being investigated this morning, a fishing boat and a yacht collided yesterday afternoon tossing a father and his son into the bay. 30-year-old man did not survive. president barack obama headed two themed fundraisers. they are allowing a former army veteran to sue donald rumsfeld overall gangs of torture. -- over allegations of torture. they ruled he can note be held personally libel but they disagreed. they say they falsely accused him of giving out information while working for soldiers in iraq. he said he was imprisoned for
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nines months but was not charged with a real crime. we know the real identity of marla cooper. she said her parents would talk about him over the years. he hijacked a plane and told a flight attendant he had a bomb and demanded $200,000. when the plane landed he was given the money and pursuited out before -- parachuted out before authorities can catch him. >> i have vivid memories which began surfacing two years ago and it came back in a flood. >> march alleged victims cooper said her uncle died in 1989 and they are following up on a credible lead but would not say if the tip came from her. in the city of fullerton, six police officers are accused
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of beating a homeless man to death. this incident was caught on cell phone video. thomas kelly who suffered from sit friend why died five days later. there are many calling for the police chief do resign. those police officers are now on paid leave. they are getting a look at the santa clara sports facility. take a look most of the seats will be on one side of the stadium with a luxury suite stacked on the other. they get a is spectacular view of the stadium and field and the new stadium is also designed to have a collegiate field. >> the majority of all fans can sit chosest to the field.
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it could become the home of both the 9ers and the raidsers and they are in talks for sharing this new facility. we have a look at our facility stadium just look on the right sides of our home page at k it dave, pam, we are looking at live pictures and you can see interstate 880 is looking good beyond the coliseum. on the span, you can see both of them their but there are gusty winds reported. also we are looking at the traffic that is moving well. so i want to show you the south
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bay as we complete and the whole thing looks good so far. we have lots of reports of drill coming in so today is a cooler day -- reports of drizzle coming in so it will be a cooler day. it looks quiet over the weekend and maybe next week we will warmup. today will be above normal. 50s and 60s on your temperatures and it is cold out there for some. but when i get that drizzle and along sea breeze has already established itself down to the delta and sacramento valley so it is another day of the winds and that system moving into crescent city oregon right there it is responsible for the fog getting enhanced a lot and as that system drops in, it
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gives us cool conditions and even out to the sacramento valley, it will be for many into tomorrow. fog sun, a lot of drizzle, light rain, windy at times, that lower overcast will be 50s and 60s 78 in livermore, concord 78, a lot of 60s and 70s in areas that should be a lot warmer than this. it does look warmer sunday and monday. 5:49 is the time this morning and craft decided to split into two public companies. one includes cheese and maxwell house coffee and the other will focus on snack foods. craft announced their second quarter earnings rose 9%.
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labor department claims jobless claims fell and 400,000 workers filed for unemployment last week. we'll see how they react when the opening bell sounds. the biggest reports the second quarter loss widening to $4 million and that's because of the cost to 2 new vehicles. they raising -- they are raising revenue saying the roadsster is up. investigating new york yankee star, a rod. they want to know if alex rodriguez was involved in illegal poker games. they reportedly involved thugs who threatened other players. he faces a suspension if he is found guilty and earlier he was the target of a steroid
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investigation. little league injuries it could surprise parents and coaches and researchers found no evidence it leads to increased injuries in young baseball players. he found the main cause of that is throwing the ball too much. they are banning young pitchers and a lot of people were worried breaking balls could cause life long injuries. 5:51 is the time and her brother created facebook but now she wants to work someplace else. what randy zuckerberg will be selling now. caught on tape in sacramento, how chasing a man through the streets led to something nobody saw coming.
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. welcome back to the morning news, take a look more than a dozen people are being treated for injuries after a tour bus rolled into a ditch in new york. the accident happened yesterday. there were 30 people on board that bus and most of them were tourists from poland. the cause of the accident is still under investigation but
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this is the third tour bus accident in less than three weeks. people are being blamed for a horrible accident and now a young man is fighting for his life. the surveillance video shows a row of men chasing them through a row of stores. one has a baseball bat. one of them eventually runs into traffic where a truck runs him over and several people saw it as it happens. >> the kids would not follow him because of the traffic but he didn't make it. this was something that could have been avoided if they had not chased him with a bat. that victim is now in critical condition and we still don't know what led up to that chase. >> charges are being dropped, sam was accused of shooting a customer in the back.
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the two got mean argument after he kicked the victim's dog. in an unrelated note, the dog died less than two weeks later after being run over by a car. the sister of facebook co- founder zuckerberg -- randy zuckerberg plans on leaving the site and plans to start her own media site. in a take off letter, she said i am thankful for this and glad to see you don't have to be an engineer to be a hearing. he will not get to say goodbye to what he made famous. he plans to make his final appearance on the telethon but the organization announced jerry lewis will not appear on the tell cast which he has
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hosted and over the years that telethon haze raised more raised more than a lot of business. 280 still looking very nice you may see midst and fog. also it looks good heading through fremont and down to the south bays, we will be looking at that and in the next traffic update we will be looking at all the bridges as well, 5:57 ktvu channel 2 news. a phone call to police is now the focus of an investigation. hours ago flames caused a fiery wake-up call in one oakland make ithood. clouds and lots of drizzle and that means inland temperatures come down and i will have your forecast in two
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. good morning fire crews on the scene of two overnight fires, the reason homeowners were able to get out unharmed.


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